So I'm at the Mithibai signal busy with my ipod. Lady outside asks me whether I'm going straight. I say yes and she gets in the rick. I'm engrossed with the ipod and she's trying to make small talk in English. Asks me where I'm going. When I say Prithvi, wants to know whether I'm meeting a friend there.
I've kind of caught on by now. I say I'm meeting someone there. She then starts touching me and asks me to take her along. That's about all the patience I for what's happening. I tell her I'm not interested and ask the driver to stop the rick and her to get out. She insists she'll get off at the signal ahead, where she does. I move on to Prithvi, head shrugging, where I watch Konkona Sen Sharma read from a book for us.
It's hilarious because that lady expected me to get a hard on looking at her and sadly for her that wasn't going to happen anytime soon:).
Lessons learnt - Do not let a stranger into your rick, however engrossed one may be on the phone, ipod or whatever.
Be firm and loud when speaking with the other person, any faltering will be seen as a weakness and she or he will try to prolong the conversation.
Pay no attention to the other person while he/she tries to make small talk.
Be aware that you are the one who has hired the rick and get to decide who stays in and who gets out.
Make sure you advertise this fact on Facebook/other networking sites, so as to generate awareness and whet people's curiosity:).
After your anger/indignation has subsided, spare a thought for the one you've spurned, cause your disinterest means one customer less for him/her and hence less money earned for the night.
Every experience is a learning as you have rightly mentioned at the end of the article. long as one puts it in the right perspective. That is important.
Hehehe LOL :D
What a lady! :D Haahaa :D
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